

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 15 years, 12 months ago

Christian Borneman is a dynamic figure often seen meandering about Isla Vista with a cup of coffee in one hand and his semi-functional ipod in the other.  One of the world’s last famous international playboy’s, Christian has a passion for traveling just about anywhere with limited to nonexistent funding.  He has been known to “tear it up” in exotic metropolises like New Delhi, Bombay, London, Paris, New York and most recently Rio de Janeiro.   In summer of 2009, if he remains unaffected by the global financial collapse, Christian will be headed to a reunion of sorts with friends from around the globe in Barcelona on the sunny Baeleric coast. 


As a global studies major, Christian is well aware of the injustices and hardships faced by the majority of the world’s population and the contributions that we, consumers of the western world, make both directly and indirectly through our lifestyle choices.  However, he is also aware that good intentions alone will not right the wrongs or help provide those who need it most with aid.  With this understanding, he has recently adopted a minor in technology management.  When combined, Christian hopes that the synthesis of technology and global studies will help him enter the world of alternative energy solutions upon graduation in spring 2009.  He anticipates attending either UCSB’s eco-entrepreneurship graduate program or Thunderbird’s International MBA program within 3 years 

of graduation.  His ultimate goal is to return to Rio de Janeiro as a project manager for alternative energy concerns, where he will perfect his Portuguese, caiparinha making and tan.

Christian appreciates absurdity, irony, those who share his appreciation for the two former, and electronic music. 




     Fun Fact:  Where Christian is standing is actually in on the balcony where Snoop Dogg is first introduced in the iconic "Beautiful" video featuring Pharell.  From this view in the favela, Brazilizian shanty town, Mt. Sugarloaf and the Bay of Guanabara can be seen.

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